
Monday, June 13, 2011

Breaking the Shell

Slowly but surely, I am breaking that shell.  Today, something so simple made me have a new outlook, on life, coincidence and just being me.
It had been awhile since I had taken the kiddos to Proctor Park, today, the weather was perfect and the mood struck, so after an amazing lunch we headed out.
I use to dread going there, just because most of our time was spent sitting at the war monument throwing stones... We have finally out grown that aspect of the park, YAY!
Today was different, once we arrived Graham was immediately drawn to a woman with a handsome dog, Tito, " I wanna pet the dog mommy" I simply said, go for it, just ask her if it's ok... who would have known that would have started the next hour in a half of adventure with boys, toads, and rocks! :) With Lots and lots of Laughter.
Life is filled with so many strange cosmic commons.. I met a Liz, who is a mother of twin boys, they were 5, and had a best friend Tristan, who was just as much a brother to them as best friends can be. I watched them all interact... Liz was great, she was so much like me, The twins were drawn to her, they of course, smiled and charmed her.. like they do all women ;).
 I think  twin mom's have a different jive with one another, not to be offensive to singleton moms, it's just a fact. 
We joked about never being prepared, and dumping poop out of underwear, and letting the boys water the grass, and laughed because we know it's OK!  Who's judging us anyway? I learned that sometimes talking to another woman, who is just as happy to be with her kids as you are with yours is an AWESOME feeling.
The boys had a blast, I learned about baby toads, tadpoles, tiny pebbles can be used for rock rain, burial of bodies, and make shift construction work... and most of all, to suck it up, and get dirty, city slickers like me, need to get dirty.
 We almost had a few deaths of the baby toads, my boys kept thinking like spiders it was something to squish, and it seemed so much fun to shake them in a bucket, but Liz explained to them in a different fashion that they were nice....
I met a person who treated my kids like I expect them to be treated, a total stranger shared her Mt. Dew and took the time to learn about us, as I learned about them.
I Hope we made some new friends today, I cherish having moments with the kids that keep them engaged in activity.  I love meeting moms who think like me, "this time we have with them is priceless, so lets make it count".  I  am so glad that I am raising my kids and not depending on anyone else to do so. 
Yes, we suffer, having little expendable cash and eating at home a lot.. but who cares? In the long run, they wont remember all the superficial stuff, they will remember all the quality time.
Tonight Dylan and Graham asked me one question,
" Mommy, can we go back to the park to meet more big kids to catch froggies?".
I simply said, hell yeah!
Next time we will bring our own nets!
So today, I say this, There is no such thing as limitations.. childhood is a one shot deal, I want my boys to have the best, make it count, they only get one right? So my job is to make sure it is as Kick ass as possible.
Summer is so full of swimming, tanning in our undies, blowing bubbles, laughing out loud, learning new songs from their favorite artist, sure I influence their music taste but hell, it's better than wheels on the bus..
Sooooooooooooooo with that said, I bid you goodnight..