Buddy vs Aligator. |
Sooo, Our crew got a new bundle of joy, he is two months old and a perfect fit to our family... minus Saki... she hates him, seriously, watching her teeth and snarl make me think, Jesus what a old mean bitch she is.. ( sure hope I am not like that when I'm 63 years old)
Buddy,is what we decided to name him, he is soooo smart, almost too smart for his own good already, so, for that reason he fits right in.. and let me not forget the whole momma boy factor..
He is, yup a mommas boy! He was exactly what we all needed, and fingers crossed, he works out better than our last few fiasco... fur realz... so along came Buddy!
Dylan and Buddy |
With the coming of Buddy, Dylan is finally pooping all time on the POTTY!! I swear I never thought this day would come, and now I just have to get Graham to surrender.. I know he will, he is just so strong willed and hot tempered lately..so frustrating. It breaks my spirit when I see him so angry and frustrated, because I see the same little me in him, good god I was a horrible teenager, and I use teenager as a reference because I don't really remember much of my own childhood.. ( sad, I know) but whatever.
I just remind myself that I have the power and will to make a change, and do things the best way I know how, and sometimes that way sucks ass, but I manage to pull through and get the job done...
And today, I am another year older... I feel like I finally get why I love Buddhism, really, why don't we celebrate our lives everyday? Why just one day out of the year is it necessary for people to say "HAPPY BIRTHDAY< YOU ROCK?" I mean really, don't I rock 365 days of the year.. I say so~
mommas boy what? |
I know this at 36 (sigh) years young that it is OK to not be perfect, getting that pre preggers body back in your mid thirties, JOKE, and patience yes most definitely is a virtue.. one in which I am constantly pursuing and now teaching. I rub my Buddah eeeeryday, in hopes that I will be the most peaceful Mom at the playground, and at home when the twins are bashing eachother in the face, and practing Pre-School fight club moves, I look to the sky and watch the most amazing sunsets, and know that I am instantly humbled, and ever so grateful!
I love my boys... I love all of it, the crying, the hitting, the screaming, the laughter, the tears, the smell, the charm, the wits, the danger, the daring the amazing duo that is G and D... what's not to love? In those moments when I feel at my wits end.. I have to remind my self that one day, they too will be "over it".. because I can also be a moody mess.
I have been spending all this time eliminating distractions from my life, and trying so hard to find a center of peace to bring us all together..and the answer was always right here, be your self.. smile, take it easy on yourself.. it's ok to make mistakes...
I feel like this post brings me a sense of relief that you are doing good! I think you should be wished a Happy birthday Rockstar everyday as well! Love the new puppy, love the boys and love you! :)