Crossed insanity, the blvd. is hazy, the intersection was crazed, mad lunatics watched from afar.
The sirens chased the shadows into the dark colored bushes and we reminisce about the old days and how we use to play with broken glass and rubber bands to help heal the tight wounds we kept in the palms of our hands... The mad display of insanity marches through all the peaceful creatures heads, Why is this going on? Why should anyone even care?
Why is the insanity so profound? Why is the world crashing down? When will the sleepy, creepiness die down? When will the loneliness conquer the dreams of lost devotion?
When I cry the music seeps into my tear drops. The loneliness will eventually eat me alive.
Sad thing is all I really want to do is drive, fast or slow, or somewhere in between the monsters so they don't find me.
Grabbed a hold of me, Held me softly, tore my racy clothes, some which were made with gold... Oh how the wind it blows. Blowing thru what's left of my feathered hair, laughing at all the people who stare....
Freaks me out when the clouds hit my spot, emotionally torn from here back to there, wondering when I even began to care.. Lesser tomorrow's bring back the flashes of last year... and I am alone again, it's always near. Love him that is for sure, but ,what about tonight?
the imagery is beautiful.