I mean I sit here and I think about the years that have come and gone.. and look at what has changed, what has not, what has evolved, what has me stumped and much of it is the same .. but at different stages.. ( if that makes any sense to you, which it wont because you are not me).. anyhow..so it goes.
Like I said, I really enjoy this Job. This gift. This blessing.. This ability to mold, the best way I know how.
this job is called life coach.
this job is called shrink.

and so it goes.
One thing I can say.. is I am excited to embrace something unthinkable.
I hope that the ride is fun and easy.. which means, of course it will be a pain in the ass, and there might be nagging, and often. I might scream in the closet when everyone is tucked away doing their own things..
but it must be done. Right now. I have two of the smartest people around me.
I think it's possible to make good decisions and everyone around me might think I am crazy for wanting to.. but really am I? who gets a say in that ? No one but the man who helped me create them. .Me and . The rest.. NOISE.
I think the greatest thing about Homeschooling.. is I get a chance to prove to the world in a small way, that when you know your kids well.... you will figure out the method. And as a good friend told me.. "trust the process"
I began to" unschool" myself when I became a parent.. It's a tough process. Really
It is doing everything you thought was suppose to be done. Seeing that is isn't working in your family.. and then trying to figure out how to make it work. Praying the whole time you don't screw them up..
You have kids, you live in this perfect place.. and life is sooooooooooooo wonderful. then you wake up. and that is all true but there is no fenced yard. and you have to budget groceries for the most pickiest of people alive. Handle that ..and you.
I rant.. I write this not for you.. but for me. for me to realize that I can do anything. I can and will most certainly try to. I hate the fact that my boys have a hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot you get the point.. temper.
I can't change their DNA.. but I can help them learn tools to deal with it, in a fashion that for now works well.
So when I begin to seem distant over the next nine months.. don't feel you can't call me or hang out. I will be here.. I will just be adding a curriculum to our daily lives.
Don't hate the player. Hate the game.. ha.
No really.. my point is I will be crossing barriers.. meeting strangers. OH my god.. can I handle it? ha.. if you know me.. this story is not even close to over.
My point.. so much changes in a year.
They aren't little forever.
They do become independent.
They are not my property.
They are my children.
My heart. My soul. My inspiration. My Job.